- 3. Fastest mammal
- 5. red fruit
- 7. Luke has a blue one
- 8. Jesus's Death
- 10. Dads and Zuris
- 16. occcurs when something is funny
- 17. Keira really wanted this
- 19. Lots of these is California
- 20. Keiras favorite
- 1. Luke has it on his arm
- 2. Lukes favorite number
- 4. girls fight over this
- 6. What Dad calls Luke
- 9. middle school students say it to greet
- 11. Mia loves these
- 12. Dad and Luke are...
- 13. Dad says that these escaped
- 14. yellow fruit
- 15. Helps move the computer
- 18. Unlocks doors
- 19. Luke needs this on his door