Home Work

  1. 3. - territory controlled by another country
  2. 5. Indian soldiers' uprising against the British
  3. 7. country under protection of another
  4. 8. conflict between Boers and British
  5. 11. forcing a culture to adopt another
  6. 14. governing a colony directly
  7. 17. British imperialist in Africa
  8. 18. ended the Opium War
  9. 19. compensation for war losses
  10. 20. racist ideology
  11. 21. conflict between China and Britain over opium trade
  12. 25. U.S. policy to promote trade in China
  13. 27. African country never colonized
  14. 29. system of racial segregation
  15. 30. political party in India
  16. 31. governing with a fatherly attitude
  17. 33. created by British
  18. 34. difference between a country's exports and imports
  19. 35. Company British trading company in India
  1. 1. language spoken by Boers
  2. 2. Chinese rebellion against foreign influence
  3. 4. area of political influence
  4. 6. explorers of Africa
  5. 9. when imports exceed exports
  6. 10. Dutch settlers in South Africa
  7. 12. latest Google data:
  8. 13. jurisdiction outside a country's borders
  9. 15. granting privileges to another country
  10. 16. Chinese civil war
  11. 22. Belgian king who colonized Congo
  12. 23. territory controlled jointly by two countries
  13. 24. adding territory to a country
  14. 26. governing a colony indirectly
  15. 28. artificial sea-level waterway
  16. 32. expansion of power