Home work

  1. 4. / you speak it in different countries
  2. 5. / it happens, takes place
  3. 8. / a book that tells everyone words and their definitions
  4. 9. / you have your own of it (the word)
  5. 12. / in a way that a word is pronounced
  6. 14. / a group of people who work together or living in the same place
  7. 15. / an injury that appears on the skin discoloured
  1. 1. / Characteristics of a country
  2. 2. / a person or thing causing annoyance
  3. 3. / preconceived oppinion that is not based on actual experience
  4. 6. / causing great damage
  5. 7. / it refers to the act of slowing things down
  6. 10. / a medium sized sailing boat
  7. 11. / you get it out for PE sometimes
  8. 13. / a person that engages in a persuit especially a sport on an unpaid basis