Home Work

  1. 4. It is very fragilable
  2. 5. Littering is a form of ?
  3. 7. Can be heard
  4. 8. You have the ? to keep your room clean
  5. 10. Can be destroyed
  6. 12. 100
  7. 13. Yearly
  8. 15. Can be missed
  9. 18. Same meaning to eatable
  10. 19. Believe
  1. 1. Lower course of a river
  2. 2. A book with meanings in it
  3. 3. Can be accessed
  4. 6. The Government set up a ? to protect animals
  5. 9. It is all around us
  6. 11. Can be broken
  7. 13. Recommended
  8. 14. Opposite to disagreeable
  9. 16. Cute
  10. 17. Place with books