Homeostasis 2

  1. 2. _____ nervosa describes condition of life threatening weight loss.
  2. 7. The _____ is important to regulation of metabolic rate, food intake, and body weight.
  3. 8. Low levels of _____ increase hunger.
  4. 12. In the _____ phase, specialized liver cells signal the pancreas to release even more insulin.
  5. 13. When ____ neurons are activated, appetite is inhibited.
  6. 14. When ____ neurons are activated, appetite is stimulated.
  7. 16. Glucose is converted to _____ and then stored in the liver and muscles for short-term use.
  8. 17. The internal state of an animal seeking food.
  9. 19. The ______ test is a measure of body fat using the person’s weight outside a tank compared with the person’s weight when completely submerged in water.
  10. 20. The feeling of fulfillment or satisfaction.
  11. 21. The principal sugar used for energy.
  12. 23. Diabetes ______ results from failure of insulin to induce glucose absorption.
  1. 1. Specialized liver cells involved in the absorptive phase.
  2. 3. The _____ phase of insulin release is mediated by the brain in response to seeing, smelling, or tasting food.
  3. 4. Fat can be converted to glucose and _____ to be used for energy.
  4. 5. _____ is an eating disorder where a person periodically gorges themselves on large amounts of sweet, high calorie foods triggered by negative feelings/hunger and then purges the food.
  5. 6. _____ is released by cells in the stomach. This hormone reaches high levels before eating and drops off after eating. It works as an appetite stimulant.
  6. 9. _______ metabolism refers to the energy used for heat production, maintenance of membrane potentials, and other life-sustaining processes.
  7. 10. _____ is a peptide released by the gut after feeding and acts on the vagus nerve to inhibit appetite.
  8. 11. In the ______ phase, insulin is released when food enters the digestive tract.
  9. 15. ___ are ingested as part of food and needed for energy.
  10. 18. When glucose levels rise, the pancreas releases _____.
  11. 22. Energy is stored as _____ molecules in adipose tissue for long-term use.
  12. 24. In people with Type I diabetes, blood glucose levels are high and insulin levels remain constantly _____.