
  1. 2. Main organ in the respiratory system
  2. 7. removing waste and surplus fluid and other chemicals from the circulation
  3. 9. The functional Unit of the kidney
  4. 12. CO2 is The waste product of this process
  5. 14. Body's tendency to maintain a stable internal environment
  6. 16. The control centre of the cell, with all the genetic material
  7. 20. Structures that sense changes in the body
  8. 22. Production and discharge of a substance
  9. 26. Kidney & lungs maintain this level in the body when balancing acids/bases
  10. 27. the "master control gland"
  11. 29. A process that maintains salt and water balanc
  12. 30. Functions as the framework of the cell
  1. 1. Process of maintaining a stable body temperature
  2. 3. Cells powerhouse
  3. 4. that cushions and protects organs
  4. 5. this diabetes doesn't react to insulin
  5. 6. Chemical messengers that regulate homeostasis
  6. 8. Fluid that bathes the cells and helps maintain homeostasis
  7. 10. Protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body
  8. 11. An change in the environment that causes an organism to react
  9. 13. can be a genetic or lifestyle disease of the pancreas
  10. 15. Organ that regulates blood glucose levels
  11. 17. Opening at the end of the digestive tract
  12. 18. The largest and highly developed part of the human brain
  13. 19. This hormones when you go on a roller coaster
  14. 21. Organ or tissue that receives information from the integrating center
  15. 23. Body's response to a change in the internal or external environment
  16. 24. Glucose is converted into this in the liver
  17. 25. parts of the brain controls homeostasis
  18. 28. For some people reversible diabetes