Homeostasis and nervous system

  1. 4. system that removes wastes
  2. 5. controls involuntary muscles
  3. 7. chemicals released into bloodstream
  4. 9. system where gas exchange takes place
  5. 11. neuron that sends impulses to muscles
  6. 14. makes up CNS with the brain
  7. 17. system that responds to stimuli
  8. 18. system that fights infections
  9. 20. lobe that deals with vision
  10. 23. disorder caused by high blood sugar
  11. 24. organ that secretes insulin
  12. 27. loop that works to turn stimulus off
  13. 28. controls emotions
  14. 29. system that provides movement
  15. 31. System within the body made of organs
  16. 33. lobe that deals with sound
  1. 1. lobe that deals with organizing
  2. 2. helps you stand upright
  3. 3. largest section of the brain
  4. 6. system that produces gametes
  5. 8. system that absorbs nutrients
  6. 10. hormone secreted in endocrine system
  7. 11. secretary of the brain
  8. 12. system that rids body of toxins
  9. 13. neuron that sends impulses to the brain
  10. 15. loop that increases the stimulus
  11. 16. how many directions to impulses travel
  12. 19. system that regulates other systems
  13. 21. system that regulates body temperature
  14. 22. system that supports the body
  15. 25. lobe that deals with touch
  16. 26. delivery system
  17. 30. gland in endocrine system
  18. 32. where two neurons meet