Homeostasis and System Interactions

  1. 3. Changes inside or outside the body
  2. 4. Cardiac muscles. Produces movement.
  3. 9. A biomolecule that supplies quick energy to the body.
  4. 10. Female parts of a flower.
  5. 11. Loop Increases or reduces output from a reaction
  6. 13. Point Average and necessary point for balance in the body.
  7. 14. Bones, cartilage, tendons. Hosting organs, supplying movement.
  8. 15. A biomolecule that helps chemical reactions.
  9. 17. Heart, lymph nodes. Transports oxygen, waste, nutrients
  10. 18. (Female) Reproductive system of the plant.
  11. 19. Male parts of a flower.
  1. 1. Nails, sweat, skin. Regulates body temperature.
  2. 2. Mouth, pancreas, liver. Breaks down food.
  3. 3. Respiratory system of the plant.
  4. 5. A biomolecule that stores energy.
  5. 6. Brings water and minerals to the plant.
  6. 7. Acid A biomolecule that stores genetic information.
  7. 8. Balance in the body
  8. 12. (Male) Reproductive system of the plant.
  9. 16. Brain, spinal cord. Processes information and responses.