Homeostasis Crossword

  1. 3. The boss of the body that keeps everything in check, including your brain and spinal cord. It's like the ultimate homeostasis superhero.
  2. 4. Body messengers buzz around like chatty network nerds, delivering important memos for homeostasis with lightning-fast electrical signals.
  3. 6. Liquid that can make you feel tipsy, but be careful not to overdrink before driving or at parties.
  4. 7. Device detecting lies with wires and sensors!
  5. 8. Some bodybuilders may go to extremes, misusing this hormone to gain a Hulk-like body.
  6. 11. Organ Airbnb.
  7. 14. A sweet tooth's nemesis, this disease demands caution with every bite! So be careful about what you eat…
  8. 16. The monthly process when an egg is released from the ovary in women.
  9. 17. When you're feeling lazy and just want to take a long nap, this state of reduced activity and lowered body temperature kicks in.
  10. 18. A disease characterized by memory loss, cognitive decline, and behavioural changes.
  11. 19. Like a busy factory, it's the body's production line for energy and growth.
  12. 21. Water passes through membranes to balance things out.
  13. 23. These chemical messengers run wild in your body, controlling everything from your emotions to your growth spurts.
  14. 24. Don't mistake it for lemonade on a snowy day!
  15. 25. These pair of organs act as the body's filtration system.
  16. 28. Like a singer hitting high or low notes, this property of sound is like a ladder with different steps, determining how high or low a sound is.
  1. 1. Tiny sacs that help in molecule transport and storage.
  2. 2. Natural painkillers that help maintain balance in the body.
  3. 5. The vital fluid that transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones while regulating body temperature and pH.
  4. 7. The liquid superhero of the bloodstream that carries nutrients, hormones, and antibodies throughout the body.
  5. 9. Insulin's rival.
  6. 10. It's like a messenger, delivering important signals and keeping things running smoothly.
  7. 12. For some individuals, this hormone serves as a crucial element in their gender transition while also helping in building muscle mass and increasing bone density.
  8. 13. Sleep hormone that helps you drift away to dreamland and wake up feeling refreshed.
  9. 15. Your body's internal temperature control system, keeping you cool or warm as needed.
  10. 20. The command center of the body.
  11. 22. Sour or sweet? Let me decide for you.
  12. 26. Life-saving hormone with a historical breakthrough in treating diabetes.
  13. 27. The bone's best friend for strength.