Homeostasis, nerves and hormones

  1. 4. the brain acs as one when it processes information
  2. 8. blood vessels get wider
  3. 9. a way of controlling diabetes
  4. 11. keeping conditions in the body at a constant, ideal level
  5. 15. an organ with chemoreceptors which detect taste of food
  6. 17. neurones
  7. 18. evaporates to cool us down
  8. 19. structures which produce sweat and saliva
  9. 21. a way of putting insulin into a diabetic's body
  10. 24. a nerve cell which carries impulses FROM the receptors
  1. 1. organ which monitors blood sugar level
  2. 2. a muscle or gland which brings about a response
  3. 3. a bundle of nerve cells
  4. 5. a rapid, automatic response to protect us
  5. 6. the organ containing receptors for touch, heat, cold,pain etc.
  6. 7. disease where a person cannot control blood sugar level
  7. 10. a symptom of diabetes
  8. 12. part of the central nervous system linked to the brain
  9. 13. muscle contractions generate heat
  10. 14. hormone which lowers blood sugar level
  11. 16. organs which contain photoreceptors
  12. 20. detects stimuli
  13. 22. electrical 'messages'
  14. 23. a nerve cell which carries impulses TO the effectors
  15. 25. a receptor organ which assists sense of taste