Homeostasis Unit

  1. 4. Maintenance of a constant internal environment regardless of external stimuli
  2. 8. Functional units of the kidneys
  3. 10. Gaps in the axons
  4. 11. Extension of the dendrite that carries nerve impulses
  5. 14. Method of message amplification
  6. 17. Obtains sensory information from cells
  7. 19. Between the loop of Henle and collecting ducts
  8. 20. Flight or fight hormone
  9. 21. Lowers calcium levels
  10. 23. Produces the myelin sheath
  1. 1. Disease where insulin is affected
  2. 2. Ascending and descending are two parts of this
  3. 3. Amino group taken off an amino acid
  4. 5. Surrounds the glomerulus
  5. 6. Voltage difference across nerve cell
  6. 7. Outer layer of the kidney
  7. 9. 2 molecules of ammonia form this
  8. 12. Hormone produced in the testes
  9. 13. Cell responsible for structure and metabolism of nerves
  10. 15. Produces glucocorticoids
  11. 16. Hormone that causes kidneys to reabsorb water
  12. 18. Secreted by follicles
  13. 22. Movement from blood back into tubules