Homework #4

  1. 3. stage 2 of kohlbergs theory of development
  2. 8. stage 1 of kohlbergs theory of development
  3. 10. theory of moral development and how children develop morally
  4. 12. stage 3 of kohlbergs theory of development
  5. 13. stage 6 of kohlbergs theory of development
  6. 14. Following rules of society
  1. 1. how many levels in kohlbergs theory
  2. 2. what gender was only used when studying kohlbergs theory of development?
  3. 4. stage 5 of kohlbergs theory of development
  4. 5. stage 4 of kohlbergs theory of development
  5. 6. what one believes to be right or wrong
  6. 7. Universal ethical principles
  7. 9. Avoiding punishment and getting rewards
  8. 11. how many stages in kohlbergs theory