homonyms are words with the same spelling but different meanings.

  1. 1. it is made from fruit. you can put it on toast | fun music
  2. 3. to look at, to see | something you wear to tell time
  3. 7. silver is Ar, gold is AU, ___ is Fe | you use this to remove wrinkles from your clothes. it uses heat.
  4. 8. not heavy | not dark
  5. 9. jewelry for your fingers | a circle
  6. 10. a black animal with wings | something for baseball
  7. 11. equal or same | beautiful
  8. 12. "hanko" in English | a stamp | "azarashi" in English
  9. 13. autumn | go down
  1. 2. average | not nice
  2. 4. "tsuru" in English | a tall machine | to move your neck
  3. 5. ___, summer, fall, winter | a spiral shape
  4. 6. correct | not left
  5. 9. to get up | a flower with thorns
  6. 10. spring, summer, fall, and winter VACATION | to destroy
  7. 11. birds can do this | a small bug