
  1. 1. The baseball game really ________ the sport for me.
  2. 4. Back _______ the neighborhoods were a lot safer.
  3. 6. There are _____ of you?
  4. 8. I love the Houston rockets _______.
  5. 9. Why is ________ a snake in our living room?
  6. 11. It's _______ house on Elm Circle?
  7. 12. _______ baseball bat is this?
  1. 2. I like cake better ______ pie.
  2. 3. The video game challenges _____ players to beat the Ice Queen.
  3. 4. It took me 2 hours ________ drive to Jacksonville.
  4. 5. I hate Cause & _______ stories.
  5. 7. _________ birthday is it today?
  6. 9. _________ selling the house on Main St.
  7. 10. _____ pretty cold in there.