Honors Physics Course Intro and Expectations

  1. 2. When is homework due each period?
  2. 6. Misuse of lab _____ could result in a detention.
  3. 7. Please do not play with equipment until you have been instructed on its ____ use.
  4. 10. When you are absent it is your___ to find what you missed.
  5. 12. I want you to ___ in this class.
  6. 14. Always answer you lab questions with ___ sentences.
  7. 15. Numbers go far beyond just an answer on your _____.
  8. 17. Plan your time ____.
  9. 18. Report this to your teacher immediately.
  10. 19. This makes up 30% of your grade.
  11. 20. Don't just ___ the directions to a lab.
  1. 1. Cell phones are to be put away and ___ ___ ___.
  2. 3. Quantitative means ______ based.
  3. 4. Please ____ through the lab procedure carefully.
  4. 5. Using another's work as your own can result in a loss of ____.
  5. 8. Be polite and ___ to your lab group.
  6. 9. Your answers to analysis questions should be in your own ____.
  7. 11. Analysis should be done at your ___.
  8. 13. Your binder is one of your most valuable ___.
  9. 16. Labs are given to gain experience in collecting and _____ data.
  10. 17. First topic in Unit #1.