Hope for Africa

  1. 1. The name of the rainforest and river in east central africa
  2. 2. A vocabulary word meaning a state of being poor.
  3. 7. A disease carried by mosquitos
  4. 8. What happens to a person when they do not have enough food to eat. It can cause disease.
  5. 9. The world's longest river
  6. 12. The movement of people out of a region due to war, famine, drought, etc.
  7. 13. Vocabulary word that means a long period of time with no rain.
  1. 1. A disease that comes from unclean drinking water.
  2. 3. The world's largest desert
  3. 4. Many people are forced to flee their country because of fighting among groups within their country. When a war is fought between people of the same country, it is called a_____.
  4. 5. A long period of time when there is no food
  5. 6. The main type of plant in a savanna
  6. 10. Birundi has the lowest of this in the whole world, and is considered the poorest country in the world because of it.
  7. 11. Someone who moves out of their country searching for a safe place to live.