
  1. 4. hormone that stimulates breakdown of carbohydrate in the liver
  2. 8. increases uptake of glucose from the blood into cells
  3. 10. LH stimulates this
  4. 13. drug used in fertility treatment
  5. 15. hormone that controls metabolic rate
  6. 16. when the uterus lining is shed (also known as the period
  7. 18. hormone that stimulates maturation of an egg
  8. 19. change in concentration of hormone (released by corpus luteum)if fertilisation does not occur
  9. 20. inability to regulate blood glucose level
  1. 1. gland that secretes TRH
  2. 2. barrier method of contraception that also protects against STIs
  3. 3. pea-sized gland in the brain
  4. 4. meaning of the term 'vitro'
  5. 5. fight-fright-flight hormone
  6. 6. storage carbohydrate in animals
  7. 7. hormone released by the corpus luteum
  8. 9. where the egg matures
  9. 11. hormone that stimulates the release of the hormone that controls metabolic rate
  10. 12. regulation of a constant internal environment
  11. 14. lining of the uterus
  12. 15. the lining of the uterus does this after the period
  13. 17. hormone released by the ovaries