horse anatomy
- 3. the ridge between the shoulder bones of a horse
- 5. stifle equivelent to a human knee
- 7. part of the face above the eyes
- 8. area below the loin and croup meet
- 10. the main part of a horses head
- 11. supports the leg from the hock joint to the fetlock
- 13. topline of the horses hindquarters
- 15. an angle betweeen 40-55 degrees
- 16. part located between the last rib and the croup
- 1. part of the horses head that includes the mouth, chin, and nose
- 2. part of the hind leg of a quadruped between the stifle and the hock
- 4. the underside of the fetlock
- 6. the dock and skin
- 7. where the cannon bone and the pastern meet
- 9. front of the horses sheath or udder
- 10. part between the hoof and fetlock joints
- 11. upper surface of the neck that meets the mane
- 12. rib cage and internal organs area
- 14. muscles and skin covering vertebrae