How do Natural Disasters impact Human Services?

  1. 4. a cloud based video conferencing tool that lets you host virtual one on one or team meetings
  2. 8. crisis-centered aid accessed by phone or computer
  3. 9. who discussed effects of homelessness during natural disasters
  4. 10. who discussed affects of paranoia during natural disasters
  5. 11. (non-governmental organization) that provides disaster relief and medical treatment--3 words
  6. 12. condition of suffering from a mental illness and comorbid substance use disorder--2 words
  7. 16. COVID-19 recently included in this list of wide-spread, destructive winter storms, floods, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes--2 words
  8. 17. not having a dwelling place or shelter
  1. 1. excessive concern that harm will occur due to deliberate actions of others
  2. 2. primary central intake for all adults and children needing mental health services for people living in Sacramento--2 words
  3. 3. this occurs when nurses are overworked and become apathetic to patients
  4. 5. who discussed effects of domestic violence during natural disasters
  5. 6. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  6. 7. manages case workers--2 words
  7. 13. a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger
  8. 14. who discussed how human services help during and after natural disasters
  9. 15. who discussed effects of mental health during natural disasters