How do protists fit in the mix?

  1. 3. _____________ plastids are surrounded by two membranes.
  2. 5. an organism that can produce its own food
  3. 8. is a protist that is similar to fungi and can be seen in figure 20.2
  4. 9. green algae share many characteristics with land plants, but do not produce embryos or inhabit land
  5. 12. long propelling extensions from a eukaryotic cell that allow for movement
  6. 13. process by which cells move large molecules or particles into the cytoplasm from the outside
  7. 14. when partners in a symbiosis both benefit
  8. 15. small organisms that swim or float in water - often protists.
  1. 1. an organism that must consume other organisms for energy
  2. 2. algae live within a coral reef and provide its color
  3. 4. Groups of protists whose members generally contain one or more plastids and are usually photosynthetic
  4. 6. move by extending part of their cytoplasm into a lobe of the cell and then flowing the rest of it over
  5. 7. developed when an ancient protist consumed an early bacteria
  6. 10. photosynthetic plankton
  7. 11. protists that lack plastids and behave similarly to a fungus
  8. 14. many groups of protists are not unicellular, instead they are______________.