How Do Seasons Affect Plants & Animals?

  1. 1. What is the average weather conditions in one place over a long time?
  2. 7. Plant seeds usually grow in the (winter/spring) when water is more plentiful.
  3. 9. Living things ________, or react, to ecosystems changes with the seasons.
  4. 10. Trees store what in spring and summer before they are dormant during the winter months?
  5. 11. Animals can get water through the _______ they eat, not just from rivers and ponds!
  6. 13. What is it called when animals become less active during the winter?
  7. 14. When is the average rainfall in Florida the greatest?
  8. 15. Many ecosystems ________ along with the seasons.
  1. 2. Since Florida winters are not as cold as in most regions in the United States, plants have (longer/shorter) growing seasons.
  2. 3. All the living and nonliving things that interact in an area is called what?
  3. 4. Animals can change the _________ of their fur to help them camouflage during the changes in the seasons.
  4. 5. What is another word for when plants or animals are not active at all?
  5. 6. In the winter, the American bullfrog digs a hole in the _____ and hibernates underwater.
  6. 8. This kind of ecosystem is a grassland ecosystem with hot summers and cold winters.
  7. 12. What is it called when animals move in large groups to the warm south in the fall and back north in the spring?