How do we communicate?

  1. 3. These were introduced a few years ago and help officers do their job whilst out of the station, mobile _______.
  2. 6. It's okay to use this technology to join meetings set up by external partners, but the guidance is that you shouldn’t share any sensitive information.
  3. 8. WMP's preferred technology to help us call and video call each other and be able to share (and record) screen. _____ for Business.
  4. 9. The place our Public access information at It’s our website, WMP _________.
  5. 10. This Social Media tool is worth keeping an eye on. Many Officers and staff play an active role here and our own Chief Constable is also very active on this platform.
  1. 1. Peter Crouch, Adam Buxton, Chris Evans, BBC Radio, Match of the Day and our own Corporate Communication Team all record these. Wikipedia says they are “an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening".
  2. 2. On this Social Media platform you can find a group put together to support colleagues whilst working remotely. Thank goodness for Mr Zuckerberg, eh?!
  3. 4. The place to go if you have wellbeing concerns.
  4. 5. This contact channel is a great alternative to phoning or emailing Shared Services and IT&D.
  5. 7. The person you need to report any sickness or self-isolation to, Line ________.