How is Asia Being Transformed

  1. 2. Major river in China
  2. 4. Major religion in India
  3. 7. The name of the way in which the world is connected through trade and technology
  4. 10. Something that encourages people to leave the area they live in
  5. 11. The capital of India
  6. 12. A major city in India beginning with M(not the capital)
  7. 13. Things like roads, railways and hospitals that cities need to support their population
  1. 1. The capital of China
  2. 3. Something that encourages people to move to a new place
  3. 5. A major city in China beginning with S (Not the capital)
  4. 6. Official language of China
  5. 8. Major river in India
  6. 9. Mountain range that has part in China and India