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  1. 2. Authorized national banks to issue emergency currency in the event of an eemergency shortage.
  2. 8. Law introduced in 1891 authorizing the law to set aside public forests as national parks for the public good.
  3. 9. Reform minded journalists who exposed corruption and scandal in magazines.
  4. 12. Principle introduced by Teddy Roosevelt which sought to control corporations, protect consumers, and conserve natural resources.
  5. 14. Government approach where there is no regulation of capitalism.
  6. 15. Roosevelt's secretary of war and was chosen as successor.
  7. 16. Act aimed at rebates introduced in 1903.
  1. 1. Law introduced in 1906 that required that meat being shipped over state lines would have to be federally inspected.
  2. 3. Nickname given to prgressives who wanted to break the trusts formed in the Gilded Age.
  3. 4. Series of principles aimed at regulating railroad companies introduced in 1906.
  4. 5. The belief that nature must not be exploited but efficiently utilized.
  5. 6. Nickname for the Panic of 1907.
  6. 7. People who were against corruption, political inefficiency, and social injustice.
  7. 10. A new form of voting being introduced into the United States and would make bribery less feasible
  8. 11. Implemented in the constitution for the direct election of U.S. senators.
  9. 13. Allowed voters to directly vote on laws to remove corrupt elected officials.