How Nutrients Work

  1. 2. proteins are made up of
  2. 3. vitamins can mix only with water found in diet
  3. 4. are also know as starches
  4. 8. is essential for life.
  5. 12. usually solid at room temperature
  6. 14. nutrients work as
  7. 15. substances the body uses to build new cells
  8. 16. lack one or more essential amino acids
  9. 18. works with protein to make sure your blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body.
  10. 19. vitamins can mix only with fats in the diet
  11. 20. along with sodium are needed for keeping the water balance in your body.
  1. 1. are known as sugars
  2. 5. fats supply chemicals called
  3. 6. usually liquid at room temperature
  4. 7. fat-like substance
  5. 9. contain some of the essential amino acids
  6. 10. chemicals mixtures found in many types of food
  7. 11. works with phosphorus along with vitamin D & A
  8. 13. are starches and sugars
  9. 17. is a mixture of plant materials that do not break down completely during digestion.