How Nutrition Affects Health

  1. 1. glyc(o)
  2. 6. A serious sleep disorder in which a person stops breathing for short periods of time while sleeping.
  3. 8. high blood pressure
  4. 12. Hardening of the a
  5. 14. under
  6. 15. A disease in which the person has high blood suger
  1. 2. Eating disorder in which a person starves themself and overexercises
  2. 3. Eating disorder in which a person eats alot (binges) and then throws up or abuses laxatives(purges)
  3. 4. Condition where bones break easily, lack of calcium
  4. 5. State of poor nutrition
  5. 7. Holes formed in the teeth linked to poor mouth hygiene
  6. 9. over
  7. 10. bone
  8. 11. -emia
  9. 13. cerebrovascular accident