How Nutrition Affects Health

  1. 6. Periods of not breathing
  2. 7. Poor nutrition
  3. 9. Atherosclerosis is a major cause of strokes and _______ ___________.
  4. 11. High blood pressure
  5. 12. Prefix for over
  6. 13. Stroke
  1. 1. Binge and purge
  2. 2. Glyc(o) means ___________.
  3. 3. Osteo means __________.
  4. 4. Disease that results in high blood sugar
  5. 5. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become weak and _________ easily.
  6. 8. Word for condition of excessive body fat.
  7. 10. Disorder in which a person starves themself and/or overexercises
  8. 11. Prefix for under
  9. 13. Hole in the tooth