How well did you read about the New Gold Mountain????

  1. 1. Shu Cheong's birthday present from Mr Woolman
  2. 5. Gold Mountain Chinese called Australia in the gold rush era
  3. 7. the way how Chinese diggers worked
  4. 9. Chinese eat with these
  5. 13. the gift from Jeremy to Shu Cheong before he left the Flat
  6. 14. means thank you in Chinese
  1. 2. things that Shu Cheong always did for Uncle
  2. 3. Things that Chinese collected while they escaped to the bush
  3. 4. An immigrant from China, especially one engaged in gold mining
  4. 6. the Chinese miners called the European diggers
  5. 8. the person who died from falling off a horse
  6. 10. the place where Shu cheong departed from the Lambing Flat
  7. 11. meaning "to bow" in Chinese
  8. 12. a worship place
  9. 15. the game that Chu Cheong and Jeremy played