How Well Do You Know DC?

  1. 3. Official tree of DC
  2. 6. Month in which DC was established
  3. 7. Number of US Presidents that never went to college
  4. 8. Material of Jefferson Statue
  5. 13. Words written on the 164 ft mural wall in the Korean War Memorial
  6. 16. Memorial with reflecting pool
  7. 17. Tallest monument in DC
  8. 18. Number of Supreme Court justices
  9. 19. Last name of a Washington Wizard who is also a poet
  10. 20. 100 of these in the US Congress
  11. 22. Greatest hotel in DC
  12. 25. Prohibition banned this
  13. 27. Number of colleges/universities in DC
  14. 28. Streets that run north and south are named with what?
  15. 29. Country that gifted the United States the Cherry Blossoms
  1. 1. Constitution day falls during this month
  2. 2. Material of White House Easter eggs
  3. 4. District of Colombia is named after who?
  4. 5. This act approved the creation of a national capital
  5. 6. Justitia Omnibus
  6. 9. The District of Columbia has three votes in this system
  7. 10. Animal given to the National Zoo in 1972
  8. 11. Misspelled state in the Constitution
  9. 12. Only embassy inside the Capitol area
  10. 14. Number of years it took to build the Korean War Memorial
  11. 15. Largest office building by floor area
  12. 21. DC is located on this body of water
  13. 23. Washington's football team
  14. 24. Number of National Monuments in DC
  15. 26. Our current President