How Well Do You Know HHC?

  1. 2. ________ is Diabetes Awareness Month
  2. 4. Newest HHC facility in East Harlem
  3. 7. What “M” stands for in PCMH
  4. 9. between a hospital and a private medical school in the U.S.
  5. 13. Bellevue’s new Executive Director(last name)
  6. 14. This facility saved Dr. Martin Luther King's life in 1958
  7. 15. View This HHC facility received the highest scores in New York State out of all NY
  8. 16. This facility's partnership with New York Medical College is the oldest
  9. 17. This facility began as a First Aid Station on the beach
  10. 18. This network launched a successful Diabetes Prevention Program pilot
  11. 19. This facility was the first municipal hospital to open a tuberculosis clinic
  1. 1. Patients are soon moving out of this Roosevelt Island facility
  2. 3. homes
  3. 4. Queens Healthcare Network's Senior Vice President(last name)
  4. 5. Acronym for The Fund for HHC's internal grant program
  5. 6. What HHC Urges NY to do every October
  6. 8. HHC's Chief Medical Officer(last name)
  7. 10. If it is flu season, you are either vaccinated or wearing a _____
  8. 11. HHC’s improvement methodology
  9. 12. This facility has the only Snakebite Treatment Center in the entire tri-state area
  10. 16. HHC’s health plan
  11. 20. HHC's new electronic medical record