How Well Do You Know Me

  1. 2. Favorite shoe brand
  2. 6. Soon to be legal mom's name
  3. 7. Dad's name
  4. 10. Favorite flower
  5. 12. What my novel is about
  6. 13. Favorite Number
  7. 16. Favorite thing to read about
  8. 17. Middle Name
  9. 18. Eye color
  1. 1. Favorite tv show
  2. 3. Favorite color
  3. 4. Something I believe is real
  4. 5. Big Teddy Bear's Name
  5. 8. Favorite Movie
  6. 9. Birthday Month
  7. 11. My Pet (His Name)
  8. 14. Favorite book series
  9. 15. Favorite animal