How well do you know the Bride and Groom?

  1. 4. The type of nurse the bride specialises as.
  2. 6. When the Bride arrived in the UK, what was the first shop she went to?
  3. 7. Name of the highest mountain the Bride has climbed.
  4. 8. The county where the couple got engaged.
  5. 10. The British city where the Groom was born
  6. 14. The month the couple got engaged
  7. 15. 'How are you' in Filipino (Sam's first Filipino word)
  8. 16. The colour of the Groom's eyes.
  9. 17. Name of the Groom’s father.
  10. 18. What is couple’s favourite marvel character?
  11. 19. Groom’s middle name.
  1. 1. Name of the Bride's mother.
  2. 2. What main instrument does the Bride play?
  3. 3. The couple's favourite shared hobby.
  4. 5. The kind of pet the couple would like in the future.
  5. 9. What university did Sam graduate from?
  6. 11. The first movie the couple watched together (it's also the name of a party island)
  7. 12. The city where the couple met
  8. 13. Name of the Bride's home city in the Philippines
  9. 14. Month of the Bride’s birthday.