How Well Do You Know The Bride & Groom?

  1. 2. Dating Anniversary Month
  2. 4. Groom's Favorite TV Show
  3. 5. Bride's Favorite Color
  4. 7. Groom's Birthday Month
  5. 9. Groom's High School
  6. 11. Bride's Favorite Pasttime
  7. 12. Bride's High School
  8. 14. Bride's Eye Color
  9. 15. Groom Dreams Of Living In This City...
  1. 1. Groom's Favorite Color
  2. 3. Groom's Childhood Dream Job
  3. 5. Bride's Favorite TV Show
  4. 6. Town Where Couple Resides
  5. 8. Groom's Favorite Pasttime
  6. 9. Bride's Childhood Dream Job
  7. 10. Where The Couple Met
  8. 13. Bride's Birthday Month
  9. 16. Bride Dreams Of Living In This City...