How Well Do You Know the (Future) Gowens?

  1. 4. Couple's middle school
  2. 5. Their favorite 'fast' food
  3. 9. Couple has seen this band 7 times in concert
  4. 10. One of their favorite shows (Netflix)
  5. 12. Treygan's NFL team
  6. 13. Name of Maid of Honor
  7. 14. What grade did they start 'dating'
  8. 15. Cassie's drink of choice
  9. 17. Their favorite movies series
  10. 19. Color of Treygan's Mustang
  11. 20. Cassie's college sorority
  12. 21. What street do they live on
  1. 1. Wedding location
  2. 2. Cassie's favorite artist
  3. 3. Treygan's drink of choice
  4. 6. Name of Best Man
  5. 7. Couple's dog name
  6. 8. Treygan's event in track
  7. 11. Place of engagement
  8. 16. Couple's favorite date night food
  9. 18. College mascot