How well do you know your Paris Peace Conference terms?

  1. 4. of Rapallo A treaty signed in 1922 between Germany and the USSR. This was a treaty of mutual assistance that allowed the Germans to develop weapons in violation of the Versailles Treaty.
  2. 5. Payments made by a defeated country to the victorious countries as compensation for war damages and punishment for aggression.
  3. 7. of Trade The difference in value between the total exports and total imports of a country during a specific period of time.
  4. 8. factors combination of geographic, demographic, and political factors in any society or state.
  5. 11. Points A series of principles written by Woodrow Wilson as a basis for ending the First World War and creating a more peaceful and progressive world.
  6. 13. An approach to international relations based on practical self-interest rather than moral or ideological considerations.
  7. 16. Security a system for international peace
  8. 19. A desire to recover former territory.
  9. 20. war A war in which opponents mobilize all available societal resources-economic, industrial, military, human, political/ideological-in the war effort
  1. 1. Entente An alliance of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Romania in 1921 to safeguard their new independence from other central European states such as Bulgaria and Poland. France tried to develop this into a counter-balance to German power.
  2. 2. Republic Germany after the war.
  3. 3. The German term for the Treaty of Versailles which they were forced to sign without being allowed to negotiate any of the details. This was an important factor in the anti-Versailles resentment of later years.
  4. 6. The principle that countries should be established according to the wishes of the people concerned. The aspiration of racial groups sharing territory, language, or religion to form their own national state.
  5. 7. A radical, revolutionary movement under the leadership of Lenin which seized power in Russia in 1917. It promoted an anti-capitalist philosophy and supported world revolution and class warfare.
  6. 9. Corridor A strip of territory forming part of the new Polish state created in the Versailles settlements. This territory divided Germany into two parts and fuelled German hatred of Versailles and Poland.
  7. 10. Guilt Clause This is article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles in which Germany agreed to accept full responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War.
  8. 12. A vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of government or ruler.
  9. 14. Cheque A cheque bearing a signature but no stated amount.
  10. 15. of Nations An international organization created in 1919. It was designed to provide a method of resolving international tensions in a peaceful manner through the concept of collective security.
  11. 17. Any of the territories under the trusteeship of the League of Nations administered by one of its member states.
  12. 18. X An article from the Covenant of the League under which members of the League agreed to use their power to resist aggression wherever it might occur. This is also known as the collective security clause.