HTT512 - CHP1 - 060824

  1. 4. Technology Adoption Model acronym
  2. 6. The phase after the hype where expectations drop
  3. 8. This apps help tourists navigate and find local attractions
  4. 9. Group discussions to gather diverse perspectives
  5. 12. Early models of new products for testing
  6. 13. Example for Digital payment solution
  7. 14. Detailed guide for travellers before they go on a trip
  8. 17. Quantitative tool for monitoring visitor movement
  9. 19. The phase where travellers share their experiences
  10. 20. Data analysis method used to understand travel trends
  1. 1. Technology used for secure and transparent travel transactions
  2. 2. Research conducted online studying communities
  3. 3. The process of selecting travel services like flights and hotels
  4. 5. A system that helps manage and analyse customer data
  5. 7. Controlled tests to determine the impact of variables
  6. 10. Travelers who prefer using technology heavily in everyday life and travel
  7. 11. Key demographic factors influencing tech use
  8. 15. Technology that offers an escape from reality
  9. 16. A type of tourism information gathered during the trip
  10. 18. A key aspect of tourism services that cannot be touched or seen