  1. 4. We all use up our ______ every day.
  2. 5. A big wave.
  3. 6. Another word for erosion.
  4. 8. Another name for our Earth is our _____.
  5. 9. The layer of air surrounding us.
  6. 13. When the tectonic plates collide in a sideways motion.
  7. 14. They move on the mantle.
  8. 16. The crust is considered the _______ of the Earth.
  9. 17. The act of staying alive.
  10. 18. When water, wind or ice break away rock very slowly.
  11. 20. When things become better suited to a certain environment.
  1. 1. Extreme forms are tornadoes, hurricanes, monsoons and snow rollers!
  2. 2. The layers of the Earth is also known as its _________.
  3. 3. The term for natural events like tsunamis.
  4. 7. "This _____ will drown us all!!!!!"
  5. 10. How hot or cold something is.
  6. 11. What happened in Pompeii.
  7. 12. When you conduct research on something.
  8. 15. The study of rocks.
  9. 19. Our world.