Hugh's crossword #2
- 5. there's too much of this in a chemistry PhD
- 6. having 18 is best, but at this point who really knows (8,8)
- 9. bedtime is 9pm to avoid these (4,6)
- 10. "your work is not novel or of appropriate standard" (8,3)
- 11. *loves* fluorine and goes boom in the glovebox
- 12. often taught, they try their best
- 1. a crystallographer's nightmare
- 2. scary synthesis, early in project (5,3,5)
- 3. "what's the ddiference between enantiomers and diastereomers?"
- 4. I don't need this if I eat 4 kitkat chunky's
- 7. (analytical technique) the chemistry definition of 'faff'
- 8. who needs this when you have a crystal structure? (8,5)