- 1. apostolic _____ guards and transmits the teachings of the apostles by the spirit
- 5. will never parish or go away
- 7. a series of 16th century schisms
- 9. heresy- Jesus was not God nor equal to God
- 10. heresy that opposed Mary's title "Mother of God"
- 15. Christ's human nature was incorporated into his divine nature--only one nature
- 16. this word translates to "universal"
- 19. what is one of the means the Church possesses to sanctify people
- 20. will never change in its essential parts
- 2. heresy- Christ only had a divine mind and will, not human
- 3. will exist until the end of time
- 4. how do christians participate in the holiness of Christ
- 6. the laying on of _____ reflects the bishop's direct link to the Apostles
- 8. hersy- material world is evil and the key to salvation is a secret
- 11. rejection of Christian faith by someone baptized
- 12. post-baptismal refusal of unity with the pope or refusal of communion with the Church
- 13. apostolic ______ was built and remains on the foundation of the Apostles
- 14. what is the origin of the holiness of the Church
- 17. the church's universality exceeds space and _____
- 18. deliberate and persistent post-baptismal denial of a truth taught by the Church