Human Body

  1. 2. chemical abbreviation for the energy molecule made during CR
  2. 4. where most mechanical digestion occurs
  3. 6. the nervous, skeletal and muscular systems work together to help us ____
  4. 9. gaseous waste product of CR
  5. 10. where most chemical digestion occurs
  6. 11. what the circulatory system uses to transport materials
  7. 12. most important product of CR
  8. 14. skeletal muscles work in ____
  9. 16. organ that holds urine
  10. 18. what the digestive system provides for cell respiration
  11. 19. muscles move in response to signals from the _____
  12. 21. type of muscle found in internal organs
  13. 23. product of the endocrine system
  1. 1. connects the brain to the rest of the nerves
  2. 3. raw materials of CR
  3. 5. special type of muscle found only in the heart
  4. 7. the circulatory system ____ all the materials for cell respiration
  5. 8. muscles pull on ____
  6. 13. connect arteries and veins
  7. 15. small sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs
  8. 17. the ____ system collects and removes the waste products of CR
  9. 20. carry blood away from the heart
  10. 22. what the respiratory system provides for cell respiration