Human Body Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. The liver stores ____ in the form of sugar.
  2. 7. What muscle causes the lungs to expand and contract?
  3. 11. In the ____ System blood transports nutrients and materials all around your body.
  4. 13. Where does the digestion begin in the body?
  5. 14. Cord What is one of the main parts of the Nervous System?
  6. 15. What gland controls most other glands?
  7. 17. Motor neurons carry nerve impulses to the ____.
  8. 19. The skeletal system is made up of many ____.
  1. 1. Another word for a nerve cell.
  2. 2. Your bodies metabolism is controlled by your ____ gland.
  3. 4. Cavity When air comes through the nose where does it go to next to get to the lungs?
  4. 5. Is the Cardiac Muscle a Voluntary or Involuntary Muscle?
  5. 6. A place where two bones come together are ____.
  6. 8. Tiny balloon like air sacs in the lungs are called ____.
  7. 9. What is one type of digestion?
  8. 10. What are chemical messengers secreted by glands?
  9. 12. What system helps break down food and absorb nutrients?
  10. 14. A factor that causes sensory receptors to function.
  11. 16. The Endocrine System is made up of a group of ____.
  12. 18. In the Respiratory System air starts at the nose and makes its way to the ____ at the end.