Human Body System

  1. 2. tissues are grouped together
  2. 3. organs that work together as part of one system
  3. 6. produces eggs and sperm
  4. 8. smallest unit of life in the human body
  5. 10. moves the blood around the body
  6. 11. helps protect the body against bacteria and viruses
  7. 12. aides the body in movement
  8. 14. cells that group together
  9. 15. waste removal
  1. 1. regulation and control, hormones
  2. 4. controls the body; the brain is part of this system
  3. 5. food absorption
  4. 7. responsible for gas exchange; oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
  5. 9. helps the body sweat, provides protection
  6. 13. provides structure for the body and protection for internal organs