Human Body Systems 01

  1. 3. you have 206 of these
  2. 6. _____ blood cells fight infection
  3. 8. this system transports oxygen, nutrients, and carbon dioxide
  4. 13. ______ clot your blood to stop bleeding
  5. 16. a pale-yellow liquid that carries blood cells
  6. 18. your skin is made of ______ tissue
  7. 20. the nervous system is composed of the spinal cord and the _____
  8. 21. The circulatory system works most closely with the ______ system
  9. 22. your elbow and knee are _____ joints
  10. 25. this system removes waste from your body
  11. 26. the ______ system releases hormones
  12. 27. where two bones come together
  13. 28. part of the circulatory system that “cleans” your blood
  14. 29. the _____ system breaks down food
  1. 1. the two chambers at the bottom of the heart are the left and right _______
  2. 2. this is where food first enters your digestive system
  3. 4. this is the largest artery in the body
  4. 5. these make movement possible
  5. 6. to maintain homeostasis, out body must remove _____
  6. 7. your windpipe, or the tube in your throat you breath through
  7. 9. this muscle is found only in the heart
  8. 10. The heart is composed of four ______
  9. 11. small thin blood vessels where gas exchange happens
  10. 12. this muscles contracts to move bones
  11. 14. your nervous system sends _______ messages, not chemical
  12. 15. muscles _____ to move body parts
  13. 17. this muscle is found in the walls of many organs
  14. 19. types of blood vessels are veins, ______, and capillaries
  15. 23. the _____ system transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body
  16. 24. These bring deoxygenated blood back to the heart