Human Body systems

  1. 2. made up of red cells, platelets, plasma
  2. 4. main function is to break down food for energy
  3. 6. creates blood cells
  4. 7. Main organ in the digestive system
  5. 8. nose, mouth, throat, voice box, windpipe, and lungs
  6. 11. carry blood away from the heart
  7. 13. protects your body from harmful substances
  8. 14. what makes up the skeletal system
  9. 15. Largest bone in the skeletal system
  1. 1. help blood get around the body
  2. 3. the brain is a part of this system
  3. 5. function is to remove waste from the body
  4. 9. main organ in the immune system
  5. 10. Pumps blood around the body
  6. 12. Main organ in the respiratory system