Human Body Systems

  1. 1. the muscle type that helps digest food
  2. 4. the part of the brain with decision making
  3. 8. the system that fights off bacteria
  4. 10. the system for hormone control
  5. 12. skin pigment
  6. 13. system that fights off infections
  7. 15. contains your hair follicles and nerve endings
  8. 17. carries blood to heart
  9. 19. connects muscle to bone
  10. 21. control center for body
  1. 2. pumps blood throughout the body
  2. 3. part of digestive system, breaks apart food before ingestion
  3. 5. a type of cell that makes up nerves
  4. 6. part of neuron that conducts electricity
  5. 7. excretory system, they come in pairs
  6. 9. the outer layer of your integumentary system
  7. 11. where a bone meets another bone
  8. 14. carries blood away from heart
  9. 16. creates white blood cells, found in skeleton
  10. 18. system that provides structure to your body
  11. 20. respiratory system, they come in pairs