Human Body Systems Review

  1. 3. main organs of the urinary system
  2. 5. muscles that you CANNOT control
  3. 7. system that controls the body and maintains homeostasis
  4. 11. strong muscle that pulls/pushes air in/out of the lungs
  5. 13. using oxygen to release the energy in food (happens in our cells)
  6. 14. gas that is needed for cellular respiration
  7. 15. type of digestion done by enzymes
  8. 19. system that fights germs and disease
  9. 21. system that takes in oxygen & removes CO2
  10. 22. digestion begins here
  1. 1. type of digestion done by physically changing the food into small pieces
  2. 2. balanced conditions inside the body
  3. 4. system that filters blood & removes excess water
  4. 6. system that transports materials around the body
  5. 8. muscles that you CAN control
  6. 9. tiny blood vessels that deliver to every cell
  7. 10. largest part of the brain
  8. 12. part of the brain that controls heart beat & breathing
  9. 16. system that removes wastes
  10. 17. main organs of the respiratory system
  11. 18. main organ of the circulatory system
  12. 20. system that breaks down food & absorbs the nutrients