Human Body Systems

  1. 1. The headquarters of the nervous system
  2. 2. The windpipe
  3. 4. Brings oxygen to cells
  4. 5. System responsible for movement of the body
  5. 7. Churns food and uses acid to change the properties of food
  6. 8. System that secretes hormones into your bloodstream
  7. 11. The main function of the Digestive System
  8. 13. Removes blood from urine
  9. 16. The system that digests food in your body
  10. 18. Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins
  11. 19. The place where two bones meet
  12. 21. A group of fibers who transmit messages
  13. 23. What makes red blood cells in bones
  14. 26. The system that is made up of bones and supports the body
  15. 28. Cells that carry information throughout the nervous system
  16. 29. The main organs of the skeletal system
  17. 30. Smooth, Skeletal and Cardiac are all…
  1. 1. What holds urine waiting to be expelled from the body
  2. 3. Raises blood sugar
  3. 4. Some of the most important muscles in your arms
  4. 6. The main function of the Excretory System
  5. 9. What makes up the Endocrine System
  6. 10. The system that brings chemicals to and from cells
  7. 12. The System that expels waste from the body
  8. 14. Lowers blood sugar
  9. 15. The system responsible for breathing and removing Carbon Dioxide
  10. 17. The Tube between your Mouth and Stomach
  11. 20. The main function of the respiratory System
  12. 22. Main function of the Muscular system
  13. 24. The system that transmits signals through the body
  14. 25. Largest Artery
  15. 27. Air sacs in the lungs