Human Development Baby Shower Game

  1. 3. Twins that results from fertilization of two separate ova by two separate sperm are called what?
  2. 6. What includes all the microbes that have own DNA?
  3. 8. What genes are far more influential?
  4. 10. What is it called when professionals provide help to prospective parents to understand their genetic risk so that they can make informed decisions?
  5. 13. What is the first epigenetic influence on genes?
  6. 14. When many teratogens are virtually harmless until exposure reaches a certain level is called what?
  7. 15. When two gametes that combine and produce a new individual with 23 chromosomes from each parent is called a?
  8. 16. What is an organisms genetic inheritance called?
  9. 17. The period of birth that is during the third and eight week is called what?
  10. 18. Variation of a gene or any of the possible forms in which a gene for a particular trait can occur is called an
  11. 19. What genes are less influential?
  1. 1. Some teratogens cause damage only during what period?
  2. 2. A baby who is less than 2,500 grams at birth has what?
  3. 4. The period of development during the first 14 days is called what?
  4. 5. Observable characteristics of an organism is called what?
  5. 7. Twins that originate from one zygote that splits apart very early in development are called what?
  6. 9. The period of birth that is during the 9th week and until birth is called what?
  7. 11. What is any agent or condition that results in birth defects or even death?
  8. 12. What has the entire packet of instructions to make living organism?
  9. 16. What are reproductive cells are called?