Human Geography of India Pg.637-643

  1. 1. Hindu belief that a person's action will determine his fate pg.640
  2. 4. the country India's population will surpass pg.639
  3. 6. India became a colony of this European country pg.637
  4. 7. this is expensive and is an issue in India's cities pg.641
  5. 8. Another word for jati pg.637
  6. 9. Sacred writings of the Hindu religion pg.637
  7. 10. type of employment in homes that have low scale jobs pg.643
  8. 11. India's high growing industry pg.643
  1. 1. India and Pakistan's conflict over this region pg.638
  2. 2. led nonviolent movement to gain India's independence pg.638
  3. 3. Settled in India in the 2000s B.C. pg.637
  4. 5. Describes super sized cities pg.639