human rights yr 7 catholic studies tyler hilliard

  1. 4. your human rights are ...
  2. 6. you have ... no matter where you are
  3. 9. the ... is the same for everyone
  4. 11. these rights belong to ...
  5. 13. to live with ... and safety
  6. 14. the right to seek a ... place to live
  1. 1. no one has any right to make us a ...
  2. 2. don't ... people
  3. 3. i am a ... just like you
  4. 5. nobody has any right to ... us
  5. 7. we are all innocent until proven ________
  6. 8. nobody has the right to send us away from our ...
  7. 10. we all have the right to make up our ...
  8. 12. we are all born free and ...